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Can Ear Infection Cause Toothache

Ear Infection

Many people experience minor toothaches at certain points in their lives. While not all aches are serious and problematic, still it is better to seek professional dental help when necessary. What many don’t realize is that the cause of a toothache is not limited to dental problems. There are non-dental causes which may be serious when not diagnosed and treated.

Dental Issues

Maintaining oral health is important in preventing toothache and other dental issues. Not taking care of your teeth and gums can lead to various problems. The most common causes are the following:

Non-Dental Causes

Just because you have tooth pain doesn’t mean your problem is strictly dental. In some causes, toothache could be a sign of other illnesses or problems. If your teeth hurt, it may be because of other non-dental causes such as the following:

In rare cases, this condition can manifest as a tooth pain. It is a disease that affects the facial nerves known as the trigeminal nerve. When this nerve malfunctions or functions hyper-actively, the person may experience enhanced pain in the facial areas, including the jaws. It is best to have your condition treated immediately by a proper medical professional.

Ear Pain and Toothache

These two can be very painful and irritating. The problem is that ear pain could be a sign of a dental problem, and on the other hand, a tooth pain could be a sign of ear infection. It is difficult to pinpoint which is causing which. Telling the difference between the two is important so that you will get the proper treatment. So to guide you, here are some differences in the symptoms of ear ache and tooth pain:

Toothache Symptoms

Earache Symptoms

When you experience a recurring toothache and other symptoms, it is best to go see a dental professional. This is not only important for the treatment but also to prevent further damage. While a toothache may not be that harmless, when left untreated, it may lead to more complicated dental and non-dental issues.

Do not wait for your toothache to progress and become worse. Immediately see a dental professional you can trust. Schedule an appointment with East Valley Dental Professionals. We help our patients not only by taking care of their teeth and gums and treating their dental problems; but also by teaching them proper oral hygiene techniques and strategies. Our concern is for you to keep your mouth healthy and fresh.

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