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Tooth Filling Aftercare

Tooth Filling Aftercare

Having a tooth filling is the proper dental method for treating teeth damaged by decay. It works by restoring the tooth’s shape and function, removing the decayed part of the tooth, cleaning the affected area, and then inserting a filling material. This does not only treat decayed teeth; it also prevents further tooth decay.

There are various types of dental fillings. The type of filling you need depends on the extent of repair, the dentist you visit, and the type of filling materials and pre and post-care they provide. Some of the common filling materials are the following: amalgam or silver fillings, porcelain fillings, gold fillings, and composite (plastic) resins.

What Happens When You Get a Filling

When you have your cavity filled, the dentist will first remove the decay in the affected area of your tooth or teeth. After removing the decay, the area is cleaned thoroughly. This hollowed or cleaned out area will now be filled with a certain material, whether it’s gold, porcelain, silver or composite filling.

When Do You Need A Filling?

The best way to find out is to go to the dentist. During your regular checkup, the dentist will detect whether you have cavities in your tooth that would require dental filling. Using comprehensive digital x-rays or other x-ray services, the dentist will be able to locate potential issues. Depending on the extent of damage by the decay, the dentist may require filling or other appropriate dental procedure.

What To Do After A Tooth Filling?

But for tooth filling, one still needs to take caution and maintain their teeth and take care of it after the procedure. With this, here is a tooth filling aftercare you can follow:

If you experience any problems after having a tooth filling, the best thing to do is to call a dentist for appropriate relief and action. If you want to know more about tooth fillings or if you think you may need to get one or would like a free second opinion, contact East Valley Dental Professionals.


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